Friday, January 8, 2010

Coming up….

My original Fresno Oncologist is leaving the St. Agnes Cancer Center, so I have chosen to stay with the group. I love the staff there – everyone is so nice and professional. I chose a new doctor - Dr. Hackett. He has experience with Multiple Myeloma – a real plus. I meet with Dr. Hackett on Monday, Jan 11, then we drive to San Francisco to See Dr. Wolf on Tuesday.
George and I have learned a lot since May! We are much more active about my care. I have learned that I need to keep copies of all documents and tests. I carry everything in a binder and sometimes my copy of things is the one readily available. I’ve also learned to get all the doctor’s e-mails so we can keep everybody in the loop. When I was in UCSF Med Center for the weekend, I started taking Dexamethazone 16 mg per day. My Fresno Doctors noticed that was a large amount to still be on and I needed to cut the dose back. So there was a plan for getting on the drug, but not one for getting off of it! You should see my face, it is so puffy from the steroid!
So please think of us as we drive to San Francisco next week. George is a trooper about driving me there – I’m glad he likes San Francisco because we’re spending a lot of time there!


Sally said...

Hey Sue,

I have been thinking about you a lot. I hope the radiation is helping the pain. I wrote George an email about the leukemia lymphoma sponsored event on the 23rd of Jan. I hope you guys can make it! I hope your meetings with Dr. Wolf are well and have a good drive up here! :)


rcobbweb said...

Hi Sue!

I have been thinking about you a lot since we learned of your illness from George's Christmas letter. In fact I dreamed about you this morning as I kept dozing, refusing to acknowledge the sun peeking through the shutters! I have just an inkling about what you are experiencing - we were mistakenly told about 3 years ago that I had MM based on some pain I was experiencing and test results. It was all a red herring in my situation, and wish it were for you too. We will definitely keep you in our thoughts and prayers. George can add one or two more to his trillion prayers offered up each day. We'll stay in touch. Good luck with the next round of radiation!

Much love -
Jenna Cobb

Unknown said...

I am also a MM patient and I just found your blog! Best of luck with the transition to Dr. J and I'll be following you now!!!

Ann Arbor, MI

Little Spouse in the Old House said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm here in the snow praying for you still! Blessings for your transitions. Love, Janice